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TOC: Your Independent Advocacy or Care Management Practice in a Time of Coronavirus / COVID-19

images working during coronavirus

Table of Contents Find all COVID-19 / Coronavirus Pandemic posts listed here: …most recent listed first Update #5: For Your Listening and Learning Pleasure? (April 13, 2020) Update #4: Finding Opportunities During this Crisis (April 1, 2020) Update #3: Starter Ideas for Helping Clients During a Pandemic (March 21, 2020) Update #2: Fostering the Right Attitude for Your Clients and Your Practice (March 19, 2020) This is not a time to be waiting for things to change. Act now to help clients and your practice. First post: Patient Advocates and the Coronavirus (March 4, 2020) Let’s see what we can […]

TOC: Your Independent Advocacy or Care Management Practice in a Time of Coronavirus / COVID-19 Continue Reading

(Update #5) For Your Listening and Learning Pleasure…

listen to podcast

Covid-19 Update: April 13, 2020 Whether you’re holed up in your home office, or enjoying a nice walk or other exercise, or anything in between, your earpods, or earbuds, or a headset can be your friend and teacher for three podcasts APHA recently recorded and published under the title Crisis Conversations.

(Update #5) For Your Listening and Learning Pleasure… Continue Reading

(Update #4) Finding Opportunities During this Crisis

Covid-19 Update: April 1, 2020 Sadly, but not surprisingly, I know those of you in practice just aren’t hearing much from new business / clients these days. Beyond the fact that everyone still appears to be in shock over this crisis (no surprise – aren’t we all?), I’m sure most people who might have been reaching out for help feel like even advocates would be helpless. After all – we’re all shut in. Even in areas where that’s not the law, smart people – the ones who reach out for private advocates – have taken those steps themselves. During the

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(Update #3) Starter Ideas for Helping Clients During a Pandemic

Covid-19 Update: March 21, 2020 Responses to my previous post indicate many advocates are beginning to emerge from your “OMG” moments and trying to figure out how to get started, to prepare yourselves for what is to come. GREAT! Here’s a start – a good idea for getting your head into the right space while you help others: Research local pharmacies, their hours, their delivery options, and phone numbers. Do some outreach to current and pending clients (call, text, or email) to ask them about their supply of their regular, daily meds, and to remind them they will need to

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(Update #2) Fostering the Right Attitude for Your Clients and Your Practice

Covid-19 Update: March 19, 2020 During the past week, as the coronavirus / COVID-19 crisis has taken over our lives, I have heard from many advocates who are taking all the steps needed to stay safe, who tell me they are recommending such steps to others, and that (in the words of one) they are “just planning to wait it out until this all blows over.” No NO No No No! That is NOT the right thinking for smart practice owners! In fact, it’s just the opposite of how we should be looking at our world right now, as follows:

(Update #2) Fostering the Right Attitude for Your Clients and Your Practice Continue Reading

APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates