
2016 State of Patient Advocacy and the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates

Greetings in this new year 2016! I invite you to sit back, and picture yourself in that audience above as I provide you with a status report of sorts on the growth of the profession of patient advocacy as seen through the “eyes” of the AdvoConnection Directory, plus statistics from The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates, and how APHA plans to double down on support for the profession of health and patient advocacy during this coming year. The state of patient advocacy is: growing – but not fast enough! Just take a look at these statistics from the past three […]

2016 State of Patient Advocacy and the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates Continue Reading

Mid-Year Resolution Check Up – What Have You Accomplished?

At the mid-year point, past the July 4th holiday…. time to take stock. All those resolutions I made on January 1 – how have I done? How many have I checked off my list? True confession time: I have NOT lost all that weight I was planning to lose this year, nor have I quit smoking (well, seriously – I never started so I didn’t really have to quit anyway). I’m not saving any more money this year than last, and I haven’t read the Bible or War And Peace. Yikes. Time to get a move-on. OK – your turn.

Mid-Year Resolution Check Up – What Have You Accomplished? Continue Reading

APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
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