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Start and Grow a Private Advocacy Practice

Let’s Do a Refresh for 2014 – A Tipping Point for Private Advocacy!

The holidays are behind us. The fre-e-e-zing cold has arrived in most of North America. We’re feeling a little sluggish perhaps…. and maybe need a kick in the behind to get ourselves going in 2014. 2014. That means we’re in our fifth year of building this new profession…. Let’s make this the Year of the Independent Patient Advocate’s Tipping Point! (can I hear an A-MEN?) Are you ready for it? If not, and if you’re in practice working with clients, helping them with the dozens of services they need, then you can probably use a reminder and refresher for those […]

Let’s Do a Refresh for 2014 – A Tipping Point for Private Advocacy! Continue Reading

And a Great Time, and Some Great Learning, Was Had by All

My head is still spinning from our Business and Marketing Workshop Experience in Chicago over the weekend. While I’ve already told you how United Airlines tried to ruin the experience for me, I don’t want that to overshadow the real outcome of the weekend; that is, that about 25 of us got together for 1-1/2 days of EXCELLENCE. My measurement of EXCELLENCE comes from attendee comments, but even more so from the things I learned along the way, too. It’s the interaction, the connections, and the shared learning that comprise my definition of excellence. Observations and comments:

And a Great Time, and Some Great Learning, Was Had by All Continue Reading

Start and Grow Your Independent, Private Advocacy Practice – Coming Soon!

Coming Soon! I’m happy to announce that my next book is now in the hands of the publisher, in the final stages of being edited, prepped and printed: The Health Advocate’s Start and Grow Your Own Practice Handbook – is on its way. Pre-orders are now available (through October 1.) ($10 off the total of cover price, plus shipping and handling). Pre-ordered books will be mailed on or before November 1. It’s a step-by-step guide, covering soup to nuts, for starting a one person, solo practice or a partnership of two or more people. If your intent is to start

Start and Grow Your Independent, Private Advocacy Practice – Coming Soon! Continue Reading

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