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advocacy certification

Revisiting Education and Patient Advocates’ Certification

Attendees at our recent AdvoConnection Business Institute had a variety of topics and issues they wanted to discuss. Follow up surveys and emails produced even more, including some questions that, over time, will be answered to our best ability. Some will be answered during teleconference call-ins, others through our fabulous advisors, and one or two will be addressed right here on the blog. One question that pops up frequently regards certification. As I’ve written before, and as is true today, there is no such thing as a nationally recognized patient advocacy certification – period. Therefore, there is no such thing […]

Revisiting Education and Patient Advocates’ Certification Continue Reading

Forum Fireworks Tackle the Question: Who Is Qualified to Be a Patient Advocate?

(Originally published September 2011. Updated September 2019) Fireworks erupted in the APHA Forum recently. I call them fireworks because those involved are so passionate about their work – no matter what their points of view. Fireworks are awe-inspiring and truly beautiful, even if they don’t accomplish much, which is exactly what transpired. The questions and statements that caused that passion are worth sharing here, because they can help all of us clarify our roles in this growing profession of patient advocacy and navigation. The initial question was ” I’d love to hear from advocates –like me– who do not have

Forum Fireworks Tackle the Question: Who Is Qualified to Be a Patient Advocate? Continue Reading

Got Business? AdvoConnection One Day Business Institute – Reserve Your Spot Now

Most members of AdvoConnection are aware of the upcoming Business Institute, but for those of you who aren’t members – you are invited, too! The cost to attend goes up this week, so this is the time to make your commitment. Topics will include legal, insurance, marketing, tools, money and certification. Here are some of the questions we will answer: Do you have the right insurance at the best price? What forms do you need and what makes your contracts legally binding? What’s the latest on certification issues? How can you deal with business problems your client poses, like not

Got Business? AdvoConnection One Day Business Institute – Reserve Your Spot Now Continue Reading

Calling All Health Advocates – And Those Who Wish to Be One

I’m excited to announce the launch of the new website (and therefore the agenda) for this year’s AdvoConnection Business Institute! This is something AdvoConnection’s members have requested for more than a year – one stop shopping – one place they can go to build their skills, improving those aspects of an advocate’s business that need support – from insurance (does my nurses insurance rider cover me?) to legal matters (forms and contracts) to marketing (do I really need a Facebook page?) to business tools (tracking clients, an inexpensive 800 phone number and more) to networking with fellow advocates and not-yet-advocates

Calling All Health Advocates – And Those Who Wish to Be One Continue Reading

The Myth of Patient Advocacy Certification

This post, originally written in January 2011, was accurate at the time; there was no universally recognized patient advocacy certification. That changed in early 2018 when the first certification exam was offered by the Patient Advocate Certification Board. As of June 2021, there are currently 889 BCPA certified advocates. Find updated information at the end of the post. (Updated: June 2021) I hear frequently from people asking about certification for patient advocates. It’s confusing, because they read that there are courses that will help them become certified, and then they find other pieces I have written about the lack of

The Myth of Patient Advocacy Certification Continue Reading

APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates