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Obamacare Seeks Navigators – Is There a Role for You?

It seems that word is getting out about one of the aspects of the Affordable Care Act that hasn’t been highlighted much before now. That is, the role of “navigators” and “in-person assisters” as they are called by the government. Many of the folks who read this blog are interested in whether there is a role for them (especially whether they can make any money from such a role!) The answer is – maybe – but probably not. Because these “navigators” may not be what you think (or hope!) they are. Here’s why:

Obamacare Seeks Navigators – Is There a Role for You? Continue Reading

Imagine a Friend’s Night Out and Dial-a-Mentor All Rolled Into One

You’ve run into a hurdle with your advocacy work. Maybe your client has a challenge you can’t seem to solve for him, or the hospital is standing between you and your client’s medical records…. Or maybe you are just stuck for a good marketing idea, and you know you’ve got an opportunity, you just can’t get your arms around it…. Maybe you have a special interest topic in advocacy, like mental health, or legal mediation, or insurance claims or…. yes, I could go on and on. You need resources – but where can you go to find the help you

Imagine a Friend’s Night Out and Dial-a-Mentor All Rolled Into One Continue Reading

Tax Time! Can Your Clients Deduct Your Patient Advocacy Services?

(With apologies to Canadian advocates – this post is targeted to taxpayers in the United States.) This question pops up about this time each year – whether or not patient advocacy services are a ‘qualified medical expense’ in the eyes of the IRS; whether or not your clients can deduct your bills in order to reduce their tax liabilities. Keeping in mind that I am not an IRS representative, nor am I a CPA or tax preparer, I still say – go for it – at least for many of the services we advocates provide. Why not try? Hear me

Tax Time! Can Your Clients Deduct Your Patient Advocacy Services? Continue Reading

Ticked Off Applicants Help Us Clarify the Mission

(Updated February 2019) Since the first of the year, we’ve had a record number of applications for membership in the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates (APHA), in particular those who want to be included in the AdvoConnection Directory. You may know that we have two kinds of memberships: PACE memberships for those who are just beginning to plan for a private advocacy practice (and who do not appear in the directory.) And Premium memberships for those who are preparing to be listed in the AdvoConnection Directory by patients or caregivers who are looking for help. It may surprise you to

Ticked Off Applicants Help Us Clarify the Mission Continue Reading

Hospital Providers Come to Patient Advocates’ Defense

Last week I had the opportunity to speak to two groups of hospital quality personnel; those folks who work in hospitals who are charged with overseeing the safety of their patients. They are QIOS, that is, Quality Improvement Officers – and their jobs depend on making sure that their body of patients this year are safer than their body of patients were last year, that next year’s patients are safer than this year’s, and so forth. My overall message was “let patient’s help”- the idea that no one cares as much about a patient’s good outcomes than the patient and

Hospital Providers Come to Patient Advocates’ Defense Continue Reading

Bring It On! Forum Fireworks Erupt Again

One of the most valuable resources any profession has is access to other people who are also invested in the interests of that profession. The internet and social media, of course, provide an opportunity to access this valuable resource on a global scale. … Which means that participants, including professionals and the people who are striving to join their professional ranks, come from a variety of backgrounds and attitudes, environments, personalities and life views. Now, mix that together with a specific profession – patient advocacy – where its proponents are highly passionate about their work. Add a dash of mixed

Bring It On! Forum Fireworks Erupt Again Continue Reading

If I Could File a Lawsuit, I Would

I’m really angry at the investment firm Morgan Stanley – really angry. I have had to deal with them since my father died, trying to manage and move a small IRA my sisters and I inherited, and they have done their utmost to make that impossible. I’ve told the story at my blog because the bottom line is – if there was such a thing as a financial services advocate, I would hire him or her. That’s a great lesson for patients, with similar concepts applied to their medical care, and will hopefully make some of your phones ring,

If I Could File a Lawsuit, I Would Continue Reading

APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
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