It’s That Time of the Year – Income Taxes! for You and Your Clients

(Updated March 2021) Note: this is a good post to bookmark (or “favorite”) so you can come back to it when it’s time to do your income taxes, or print it or send a link to clients and former clients to help them with theirs… Yes – it’s time to look at preparing our income tax statements for Uncle Sam (or even Justin Trudeau!) How does our paid work affect our income taxes or our clients’ taxes?

It’s That Time of the Year – Income Taxes! for You and Your Clients Continue Reading

Helping Your Clients Deduct Your Services From Their Income Taxes (IRS and CRA)

(Reviewed and Updated February 2022) It’s a good year to revisit patient advocacy services and income taxes. Our first review came in 2010. We looked again in 2013. While little (maybe nothing) has changed, this year I have a new suggestion for you – a bit of a twist. In question is whether or not your patient advocacy services should be included in the list of medical expenses that allow them to be deducted from your clients’ income taxes; whether they can be used to reach that 10% or 7.5% threshold that allows them to be deductible (for the IRS).

Helping Your Clients Deduct Your Services From Their Income Taxes (IRS and CRA) Continue Reading

Tax Time! Can Your Clients Deduct Your Patient Advocacy Services?

(With apologies to Canadian advocates – this post is targeted to taxpayers in the United States.) This question pops up about this time each year – whether or not patient advocacy services are a ‘qualified medical expense’ in the eyes of the IRS; whether or not your clients can deduct your bills in order to reduce their tax liabilities. Keeping in mind that I am not an IRS representative, nor am I a CPA or tax preparer, I still say – go for it – at least for many of the services we advocates provide. Why not try? Hear me

Tax Time! Can Your Clients Deduct Your Patient Advocacy Services? Continue Reading

APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
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