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income taxes

Income Tax Time – Saving Money and Saving Trouble

It’s that time of year when, every time we turn around, we’re being reminded that it’s time to file our income tax returns. I rank those moments right down there with getting a tooth drilled, hearing that a high school friend died, or, these days, watching the news. Yeah. So, in hopes of removing some of the sting, and in an effort to pull all the material together, accessible in one place, I’m going to take this occasion to compile into one post what I’ve had to say over the years about taxes on this blog: yours, your clients, and […]

Income Tax Time – Saving Money and Saving Trouble Continue Reading

It’s That Time of the Year – Income Taxes! for You and Your Clients

(Updated March 2021) Note: this is a good post to bookmark (or “favorite”) so you can come back to it when it’s time to do your income taxes, or print it or send a link to clients and former clients to help them with theirs… Yes – it’s time to look at preparing our income tax statements for Uncle Sam (or even Justin Trudeau!) How does our paid work affect our income taxes or our clients’ taxes?

It’s That Time of the Year – Income Taxes! for You and Your Clients Continue Reading

APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates