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2016 State of Patient Advocacy and the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates

Greetings in this new year 2016! I invite you to sit back, and picture yourself in that audience above as I provide you with a status report of sorts on the growth of the profession of patient advocacy as seen through the “eyes” of the AdvoConnection Directory, plus statistics from The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates, and how APHA plans to double down on support for the profession of health and patient advocacy during this coming year. The state of patient advocacy is: growing – but not fast enough! Just take a look at these statistics from the past three […]

2016 State of Patient Advocacy and the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates Continue Reading

8 End-of-the-Year Tasks for Smart Care Professionals

You may be in the process of making up your holiday shopping and to-do lists… So while you are at it, here’s another important list to make – this one for your advocacy practice. When if you complete these tasks before December 31, you’ll set the stage for an even better business year in 2016! Included on your list should be tasks that address money, marketing, taxes and legal matters, plus others you think of that will help you grow, prosper, and support your patient-clients who so desperately need your skills. Here are some ideas to get you started on

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And the First AdvoConnection Spotlight is on…

It’s been in the works for a little while, and today we’re happy to announce a new way for some APHA members to promote their capabilities… the AdvoConnection Advocate Spotlight! Why the Spotlight? AdvoConnection Directory Listed members are doing wonderful work on behalf of their clients. We wanted a way to tell stories about patients and families who have benefited in so many ways from working with these skilled advocates. Their stories will trigger recognition among potential clients and will encourage them to contact advocates who can provide the help they need. Meet APHA’s First Advocate in the Spotlight: Nancy

And the First AdvoConnection Spotlight is on… Continue Reading

Celebrating the 5th Annual Private Professional Patient Advocates Week

Our Fifth Annual Private Professional Patient Advocates Week is this week – March 16 to 22 -and I’m here to share tales of the growth of our profession. Can it be that patient advocacy as a profession is now so “old” ? Granted, there were a handful of advocates practicing long before we began to quantify and qualify the profession. The year 2009, with the launch of NAHAC and APHA / AdvoConnection, marked the beginning of the growth that would make us a recognized profession across North America. Some background: From the 30-ish people who joined AdvoConnection in 2009 – for

Celebrating the 5th Annual Private Professional Patient Advocates Week Continue Reading

Head to Head, Toe to Toe – And Who Are the Big Winners?

Updated 2/10/2020 Like Jeopardy, I’m going to start by giving you the answer: Patients and Caregivers Smart Health and Patient Advocates So what’s the question? That would be: Who are the biggest beneficiaries when it comes to competition in the health and patient advocate space? Just want to start with that perspective so we don’t lose sight of it as I begin describing recent events, as a prelude to some big excitement and perhaps, that moment we’ve all been waiting for…. In the eight years I’ve been working on promoting patient advocacy, there was more commotion, more positive movement, more

Head to Head, Toe to Toe – And Who Are the Big Winners? Continue Reading

Happy Birthday to Us! AdvoConnection Turns 5

Dateline: September 1, 2009 The AdvoConnection membership organization was launched on this date in an effort to find people who could help patients navigate their medical journeys. Happy Birthday to Us! (Yes – “us” – because the AdvoConnection Membership Organization was the original name of Alliance of Professional Health Advocates!) My how times have changed! (And yet, they haven’t changed much at all… ) The original site was only intended to be a directory – sort of for patients and advocates – and 30 people stepped forward to be included. (We had been collecting email addresses of interested parties

Happy Birthday to Us! AdvoConnection Turns 5 Continue Reading

Oh, It Was Nothing, Really

As advocates working for clients with grave medical problems, or clients who battle their insurance companies to get what they need for their care, or could lose their entire financial foundations due to overwhelming medical bills, our work results in lifesaving and quality-of-life saving outcomes every day. That’s what we do. And then, when someone thanks us, way too many of us deflect the compliment. “Oh, it was nothing, really.” Nothing? It’s as if we are embarrassed to have been thanked, even though we are – secretly – pleased. This disconnect in our response to being thanked and recognized came

Oh, It Was Nothing, Really Continue Reading

APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates