advocate marketing tools

How Patient Advocates Can Build a Thriving Practice: A Strategic Guide

tired woman looking at laptop

Starting and growing a patient advocacy practice requires more than just passion—it takes a smart approach to marketing. Many new advocates struggle with finding clients. They ask, “How can I get more business?” or “What am I doing wrong?” You may not be doing anything wrong; but you might just need to rethink how you market your services.  The Marketing Challenge New patient advocates often feel frustrated by slow growth. You no doubt care deeply about helping others, but you may not know how to market your services effectively. Many advocates join professional groups like the Alliance of Professional Health […]

How Patient Advocates Can Build a Thriving Practice: A Strategic Guide Continue Reading

Aha! Finding Great Ideas to Inspire Your Practice

At least a half dozen times in the past few weeks I’ve been asked what it was that compelled me to start The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates, and the AdvoConnection Directory. It occurs to me that even if you are a member, you may not know the story, or, even more importantly, how it can affect the work you do, too. The story is a classic “aha!” moment story – using experiences to identify a way forward – in this case, starting a new service and business. Some of you know that my two early careers were first, classroom

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What Exactly is Independent Patient Advocacy? (Curious Minds Want to Know!)

reading CSA article

This post will be short(er) and sweet(er)than usual – because your time will be better spent reading something else – linked below. And here’s why: You may be familiar with CSA: The Society of Certified Senior Advisors. It’s a wonderful organization that not only teaches professionals the best practices of working with older adults, but then provides ongoing certification and education to be sure they stay current. APHA and CSA have been aligned and affiliated for more than a decade. (Not familiar? Learn more: ) CSA publishes a print journal once per quarter – an award-winning journal of excellent,

What Exactly is Independent Patient Advocacy? (Curious Minds Want to Know!) Continue Reading

Why Potential Clients Won’t Buy the Milk

Does this sound familiar? A prospective client calls to talk to you about helping her out. The story may vary, but the bottom line is that she is stuck and needs help from someone who can help her manage some aspect of the healthcare system. She thinks you might be that person. As part of your marketing, you offer a free consultation, which maybe takes place right then and there on the phone. Or maybe you make an appointment to meet with the potential client. Or perhaps you simply have a conversation whether it’s considered a free consultation or not….

Why Potential Clients Won’t Buy the Milk Continue Reading

To Quote Dr. Phil – And How’s That Workin’ For Ya?

Dr. Phil

True confession here – I am not a HUGE fan of Dr. Phil’s. However, in the early years of his TV show I used to watch on occasion and felt like he made some great points about the choices we make and how we live our lives…. So, short of catching my 15-year-old smoking pot in her room (no worries – even my grandkids are older than that), or finding out my husband has three other wives (beLIEVE me – he doesn’t!) here are some of my favorite Dr. Phil-isms: No matter how flat you make a pancake, it’s still

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Your Advocacy Niche: What, Why, and How

colorful niche

Now that we are vaccinated and socializing again, we are actually going out to restaurants for dinner. Joy! It seems so “normal!” If the restaurant-choice conversation in your house is anything like the one in mine, it begins with “Where should we go?” Followed by, “What do you want to eat?” One person says, “Let’s do a steak place.” Another says “I’d love some good seafood.” Still another says “Thai for me!” Or “Let’s do Italian!” That is a NICHE conversation! Each of those restaurant descriptions is a niche. You’re choosing your restaurant based on its reputation for the kind

Your Advocacy Niche: What, Why, and How Continue Reading

Marketing the Pivot: Getting Our Clients Back into Their Health Groove

vinyl record grooves

As we all know, the pandemic has thrown so much of life into a tailspin! We’re constantly reminded that in order to get our lives back, we must pivot. We’re all resetting our personal lives. We’re resetting our work lives, too, as more and more of us (and the rest of our worlds) are getting vaccinated, and are opening up. After a year of pivoting in one direction, we’re now having to pivot again – back to, or into our new normal. As smart advocates and care managers, we must also remember this is true for our clients, too. For

Marketing the Pivot: Getting Our Clients Back into Their Health Groove Continue Reading

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