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advocacy certification

Gallimaufry: Your Questions, Some Answers, Media and Just Stuff

Last summer I came upon this great word – a word I had never heard before, but which can be used in so many aspects of conversation and life! The word is “gallimaufry.”? It means a hodgepodge, a jumble, or confused medley of things – items, ideas, anything at all. It’s a great word for an advocacy entrepreneur! It describes the many ideas that come together to define challenges and create solutions, or the many activities it takes to achieve success, or even the creative approaches it takes to help our clients, or help each other. I’ve even adopted the […]

Gallimaufry: Your Questions, Some Answers, Media and Just Stuff Continue Reading

Where Do Patient Advocates Get Their Education or Certification?

My email inbox each week finds many questions that relate to health advocates’ education, or the availability of certification. There are three general questions I am asked: One of the most frequent questions I get comes from newbies – someone who is just thinking about becoming a patient advocate, maybe understands the basic concept of what the work might entail, and wants to know what sort of education they must look for to get started, and “to be certified” – to earn their patient advocacy certification. Then I hear from those who, six or eight months into their private practice

Where Do Patient Advocates Get Their Education or Certification? Continue Reading

Certified Patient or Health Advocate? Here we Go Again

Do you consider yourself a Certified Patient Advocate or Certified Health Advocate? I hate to burst bubbles here, but no matter who you are, or what courses or programs you have taken, no matter who or what handed you a certificate at the end, you are not a certified advocate. Why? Because there is no such thing as certification for patient advocates or health advocates. Period. Those of you who have been reading this blog for any length of time have heard this tune – many times – before. Some of you, realizing that you may be doing yourselves and

Certified Patient or Health Advocate? Here we Go Again Continue Reading

The VITAL Piece of Information the Press – and Many Patients AND Advocates – Are Missing

It happened one more time this week, frustrating me one more time this week, making me feel like a broken record again this week and then realizing…. hey! Why not make this point louder and clearer enough so that YOU can all be a part of my “point well spoken” army! What am I talking about? The press – which has produced one more article this week about this “new career” of patient advocacy or navigation, making it sound like a grand dream come true for anyone who cares about helping patients. None of these articles have been realistic about

The VITAL Piece of Information the Press – and Many Patients AND Advocates – Are Missing Continue Reading

Is Patient Advocacy Certification on the Horizon?

The quick answer to that question: it depends on how far away you define horizon. The more accurate answer to that question: a definite maybe. The more exciting answer to that question: yes! And now everyone’s favorite – answering a question with another question: That depends. Will you get involved? No promises here – but at least a good head start. A notice is being sent to thousands of patient and health advocates and navigators over the next several days, providing them with the status of a new certification or credential-development initiative, and – very importantly – inviting them to

Is Patient Advocacy Certification on the Horizon? Continue Reading

Start and Grow Your Independent, Private Advocacy Practice – Coming Soon!

Coming Soon! I’m happy to announce that my next book is now in the hands of the publisher, in the final stages of being edited, prepped and printed: The Health Advocate’s Start and Grow Your Own Practice Handbook – is on its way. Pre-orders are now available (through October 1.) ($10 off the total of cover price, plus shipping and handling). Pre-ordered books will be mailed on or before November 1. It’s a step-by-step guide, covering soup to nuts, for starting a one person, solo practice or a partnership of two or more people. If your intent is to start

Start and Grow Your Independent, Private Advocacy Practice – Coming Soon! Continue Reading

Why We Should Avoid Using the Title “Certified Patient Advocate”

It’s a big question among patient and health advocates – whether or not someone is considered “certified” as a patient advocate. Last week I answered a question that came from an advocate about why someone would bother taking a course or finishing a program if they wouldn’t be considered “certified” at the end…. But there are even bigger considerations – some food for thought for those who disagree with my stand about claiming certification. I believe the use of “Certified Patient Advocate,” in these early stages of the profession’s development has the potential of hurting both you, as an individual

Why We Should Avoid Using the Title “Certified Patient Advocate” Continue Reading

APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates