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reading CSA article

What Exactly is Independent Patient Advocacy? (Curious Minds Want to Know!)

This post will be short(er) and sweet(er)than usual – because your time will be better spent reading something else – linked below.

And here’s why:

You may be familiar with CSA: The Society of Certified Senior Advisors. It’s a wonderful organization that not only teaches professionals the best practices of working with older adults, but then provides ongoing certification and education to be sure they stay current. APHA and CSA have been aligned and affiliated for more than a decade. (Not familiar? Learn more: )

CSA publishes a print journal once per quarter – an award-winning journal of excellent, in-depth articles that take a deep dive into a variety of topics of interest to professionals who work with seniors, and seniors themselves.

We were excited to see that the CSA Journal tapped our own APHA member and long-time patient advocate, Elisabeth Schuler, to pen its article History And Trends In The Field Of Healthcare Advocacy.

Elisabeth’s article answers the question, What Exactly is Independent Patient Advocacy? It’s an excellent, and current, overview of health and patient advocacy – where it’s been, where we are now, and where we may be going… and it’s worth your time.

And so – I lead you to the article – a far better way to spend your reading time today. Find the article in pdf form. (with permission from CSA.)

It’s a fascinating read – from the history, to the reality, to services and ethics, to the organizations, to the directories, to questions patients can use to interview a patient advocate, and finally, to the trends Elisabeth anticipates as we move into the future of advocacy.

Read and share broadly, please!

(With thanks to Elisabeth for her fine writing, and to CSA for allowing us to access it.)

Good post? Read more!

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3 thoughts on “What Exactly is Independent Patient Advocacy? (Curious Minds Want to Know!)”

  1. Hello!
    In the recent AARP articles about hiring medical billing professionals, we were directed to this website which seems to be about training adults to be billing professionals and advocates for those in need. I don’t see where on this website (and I have searched) where it recommends medical billing professionals or how to contact them.
    I think this is very misleading and AARP seems to becoming irresponsible in printing incomplete information.
    Can you tell me where I need to go to find a medical billing professional. I am in a dire situation.
    Thanks you so much.
    All the best,
    Arthur Levy

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