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Start and Grow Your Independent, Private Advocacy Practice – Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

I’m happy to announce that my next book is now in the hands of the publisher, in the final stages of being edited, prepped and printed:

The Health Advocate’s Start and Grow Your Own Practice Handbook – is on its way.

Pre-orders are now available (through October 1.)
($10 off the total of cover price, plus shipping and handling).
Pre-ordered books will be mailed on or before November 1.

It’s a step-by-step guide, covering soup to nuts, for starting a one person, solo practice or a partnership of two or more people. If your intent is to start up a multi-national corporation, then no – this book isn’t going to do that for you. But if you have some good advocacy experience (navigation, billing, therapy, mediation or others) and you wish to start your own practice, for-profit or non-profit, then this book can get you there. It includes details for advocates in both the United States and Canada.

And – the book comes with a bonus! (See below)

Here’s a link to the Table of Contents. And the description from the book cover:

  • Decide whether you are a good candidate for owning and building a private advocacy practice.
  • Figure out which of your skills need to be improved and learn how to improve them.
  • Check off business brass tacks from details like insurance, pricing and forms, to financials, customer service and practice standards.
  • Look at insurance, legal issues, marketing, professional standards, best practices and more.
  • Find charts, checklists, scripts and many additional great resources.

Some of the big questions I’ve been asked over the years are addressed:

  • How should I price my services?
  • How can I get my patient advocacy certification?
  • What kind of insurance do I need to cover advocacy services?
  • Can I get a client’s insurance to reimburse me for my work?
  • How can I move from a phone conversation with a potential client to a signed contract?
  • and much, much more.

The bonus is exciting and enticing I think. Purchase of the book entitles you to a one month trial membership in AdvoConnection as a PACE member. (Earliest date for the trial membership to begin is November 1, 2012.)

Why not pre-order the book now, and save yourself some money?
(Pre-orders are being accepted only through October 1, 2012.)

AdvoConnection members get a much bigger discount. Log in to your membership dashboard and find the link for pre-ordering. (The much lower cost takes into account the fact that you are already a member and won’t need the trial membership.)

Those who are not members of AdvoConnection will find substantial discounts for both the printed book and e-book, too (including the trial PACE membership.)

Questions? Ask away!


The Health Advocate’s Start and Grow Your Own Practice Handbook
by Trisha Torrey, Every Patient’s Advocate
Published by DiagKNOWsis Media (2012 All rights reserved.)

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APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates