patient advocacy

What Does It Take to Be an Overnight Success?

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If I could wave a magic wand… …  and any potential private, independent patient advocate who reached out to me for support in getting his or her practice up, running, and successful would be just that – an overnight success! Well, OK. Maybe not. Hear me out… In the past few weeks, in my usual email or phone exchanges with dozens of patient advocates, there have been recurring themes. See if any of these sound familiar: Business is picking up, but I really could use more. Business is slower than I would like. I’m not sure how long I can […]

What Does It Take to Be an Overnight Success? Continue Reading

Obamacare Seeks Navigators – Is There a Role for You?

It seems that word is getting out about one of the aspects of the Affordable Care Act that hasn’t been highlighted much before now. That is, the role of “navigators” and “in-person assisters” as they are called by the government. Many of the folks who read this blog are interested in whether there is a role for them (especially whether they can make any money from such a role!) The answer is – maybe – but probably not. Because these “navigators” may not be what you think (or hope!) they are. Here’s why:

Obamacare Seeks Navigators – Is There a Role for You? Continue Reading

Profession – or Calling? What Do You Consider Your Advocacy Work?

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The month of March 2013 brought me more opportunities than I remember in a long time to think about the reasons I do the work I do – why I have chosen my profession, what I hope to get out of it, and what drives me to want to build its success – and your success, too. Why now? Well, frankly, even though I am not Catholic, it started with the election of a new pope. Throughout the discussions leading up to the Conclave, then the election of Pope Francis, much of the emphasis was on the passion the job

Profession – or Calling? What Do You Consider Your Advocacy Work? Continue Reading

Third Annual Private Professional Patient Advocates’ Recognition Shows How We Have Matured

Week after week I hear from people who are just beginning to explore the idea of becoming a private health advocate. They have just heard of the possibility, or they want to know if there really are people making a living as private advocates, or they wonder if someone like them (describe background here…) would make a good advocate…. I do love hearing from them. One of the joys of my life is encouraging them, assisting them, providing resources…. But perhaps the biggest joy I get from the various forms of patient empowerment and advocacy work I do is knowing

Third Annual Private Professional Patient Advocates’ Recognition Shows How We Have Matured Continue Reading

Imagine a Friend’s Night Out and Dial-a-Mentor All Rolled Into One

You’ve run into a hurdle with your advocacy work. Maybe your client has a challenge you can’t seem to solve for him, or the hospital is standing between you and your client’s medical records…. Or maybe you are just stuck for a good marketing idea, and you know you’ve got an opportunity, you just can’t get your arms around it…. Maybe you have a special interest topic in advocacy, like mental health, or legal mediation, or insurance claims or…. yes, I could go on and on. You need resources – but where can you go to find the help you

Imagine a Friend’s Night Out and Dial-a-Mentor All Rolled Into One Continue Reading

Tax Time! Can Your Clients Deduct Your Patient Advocacy Services?

(With apologies to Canadian advocates – this post is targeted to taxpayers in the United States.) This question pops up about this time each year – whether or not patient advocacy services are a ‘qualified medical expense’ in the eyes of the IRS; whether or not your clients can deduct your bills in order to reduce their tax liabilities. Keeping in mind that I am not an IRS representative, nor am I a CPA or tax preparer, I still say – go for it – at least for many of the services we advocates provide. Why not try? Hear me

Tax Time! Can Your Clients Deduct Your Patient Advocacy Services? Continue Reading

Is Patient Advocacy Certification on the Horizon?

The quick answer to that question: it depends on how far away you define horizon. The more accurate answer to that question: a definite maybe. The more exciting answer to that question: yes! And now everyone’s favorite – answering a question with another question: That depends. Will you get involved? No promises here – but at least a good head start. A notice is being sent to thousands of patient and health advocates and navigators over the next several days, providing them with the status of a new certification or credential-development initiative, and – very importantly – inviting them to

Is Patient Advocacy Certification on the Horizon? Continue Reading

APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
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